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Whether you are looking to review and advance your existing strategy or create a new strategic approach, SEE Solutions can partner on creating and implementing comprehensive solutions across the enrollment lifecycle, including:

  • Domestic and international recruitment & new market expansion

  • Application review and selection

  • Yield management

  • Campus visits & programming

  • Marketing

  • Retention and student success

Through critical analysis, assessment of current tactics and strategies, identification of strategic opportunities, and review of existing data, SEE Solutions can identify, recommend, and support the implementation of strategic solutions to further your institution’s impact and success.

Enrollment & Marketing Strategy

In today’s competitive enrollment landscape, it is important for institutions to look for opportunities to improve, evolve, and become more efficient. SEE Solutions can support this assessment process in auditing programs and processes to identify solutions that advance your impact. Areas of expertise include:

  • Process review for operational efficiency and scalability

  • Visitor experience

  • Events & programming experiences

  • Public speaking & presenter coaching for admissions staff or campus partners

  • Review of organizational structure for alignment with workload and strategic priorities

Auditing & Advancing

Investing in your next generation of leaders is as important as investing in the strategies those team members create and implement. You may find yourself wishing for more hours in the week to spend investing in the development of “bench strength” on your team. SEE Solutions partners with chief enrollment officers to provide leadership development and coaching to new Deans & Directors and to middle managers who are rising stars within your office. As a seasoned manager who is passionate about professional development, SEE Solutions can act as a coach and thought-partner to ensure that your next-level leaders are supported in their development, which in turn expands your team’s leadership capacity and impact.

Leadership Development & Coaching

Enrollment management is a critical function to your institution. Recognizing the importance of nimble, strategic, experienced leadership– especially during periods of transition–SEE Solutions is available to provide support during these critical times to ensure continuity of leadership and that your new leader begins from a place of strength.

Interim leadership services are available in an in-person or hybrid approach in the metro Boston area and in a hybrid or remote format nationally.

Interim Leadership

With a wealth of experience at an institution known for its innovative, entrepreneurial approach, SEE Solutions can partner with your team to lead the development process for new, innovative programs. Whether it be the design and development of an alternative entry/enrollment pathway program or a new academic program, SEE Solutions can act as a coach, partner, and advisor in the process of designing a program to meet a strategic need, identifying key partners and stakeholders, creating a roadmap for program development, and advising and troubleshooting during development and implementation.


Enrollment & Marketing Strategy
Auditing & Advancing
Leadership Development & Coaching
Interim Leadership

Ready to get started?

Connect with us today to start solving together!

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